12 July 2012

OCEARCH Global Shark Tracker

Wow, this a really handy & nifty tool for those of us that make use of our oceans.  OCEARCH lets you observe globally where the most recent sharks have been spotted, as well as lets you Ping if you have spotted a shark.

It lets you observe the navigational pattern of sharks that have been tagged with satellite tracking technology all for the purpose of shark conservation.  

OCEARCH facilitates unprecedented research by supporting leading researchers & institutions seeking to attain groundbreaking data on the biology & health of sharks, in conjunction with basic research on shark life history & migration.

To have the look at this useful site click here
What a winner!!!

Here's a screenshot I took from the site - 


  1. Joshua mitchell12 July 2012 at 03:53

    Looks like all the sharks dig the coast of southern Africa! Do you know if this is purely a South African Site?

  2. I think it's a very new site, & by the looks of the research or tagged sharks, that it is an SA site...
